Sunday, August 1, 2010

I have learned a lot this summer working with content manager. A lot of it is making sure everything is placed right and is readable to people passing by. With so much information being put onto one template I had to design in a way that was simple so it would not seem too crowded on the template but interesting enough to grab people's attention. Working with Ben Tonak was great because he would push me to make my designs better and more interesting. He gave me a lot of great feedback and suggestions which has help me to design better ads. I have also been able to work with a lot of people designing ads for their organizations so I have had a lot of business interaction. I am also able to work with my boss Kim Zaft and Michael Pule who works on the ASUW content manager to bounce ideas and get help with the content manager. Everybody has been really helpful and great to work with. Soon we will be getting new templates for the screen so the design on the screen might change completely but it is something I am looking forward to so I can keep working on making things look better and more interesting to people passing by. I think this new program is a great way to get information out to students and other people about what is going on in the Union and the events that are happening. When I first started doing this internship I was really nervous because they kind of just handed it over to me and I was not sure I could do it, but people have been great to work with and I am really enjoying working on the project. I have received many complements on my work and feel I will progress even further with this project. So there will be more to come.......:)

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