Sunday, August 1, 2010

I have learned a lot this summer working with content manager. A lot of it is making sure everything is placed right and is readable to people passing by. With so much information being put onto one template I had to design in a way that was simple so it would not seem too crowded on the template but interesting enough to grab people's attention. Working with Ben Tonak was great because he would push me to make my designs better and more interesting. He gave me a lot of great feedback and suggestions which has help me to design better ads. I have also been able to work with a lot of people designing ads for their organizations so I have had a lot of business interaction. I am also able to work with my boss Kim Zaft and Michael Pule who works on the ASUW content manager to bounce ideas and get help with the content manager. Everybody has been really helpful and great to work with. Soon we will be getting new templates for the screen so the design on the screen might change completely but it is something I am looking forward to so I can keep working on making things look better and more interesting to people passing by. I think this new program is a great way to get information out to students and other people about what is going on in the Union and the events that are happening. When I first started doing this internship I was really nervous because they kind of just handed it over to me and I was not sure I could do it, but people have been great to work with and I am really enjoying working on the project. I have received many complements on my work and feel I will progress even further with this project. So there will be more to come.......:)
Food Court
This template is in the food court. The large region is for the ads about involvement and the ads for food service are in the lower right hand side. The weather is underneath and the scrolling text. The far right side is for campus announcements. The time and date is in the upper left hand corner.
SLCE and CAC Office
This template is right outside the SCLE and CAC Offices. The large area is for the different organizations in the Union and in the lower left hand box it says what its about, when meetings are held and where they are held. SO for instance when Friday Night Fever has their meetings it tells what time they are at each week and where they are at. The weather is in the lower right hand box with the current temp, the temp for today and the temp for tomorrow. The large right hand box is for UW Campus Announcements and the lower right hand side box is for the ads like food service and other events happening.
Events Office
This is the Events Office Template at the top of the stairs on the second floor in the Union. The large part is for what meetings are going on in each room in the Union. It is an excel document so that Robert who works at the events office can put in the info each day and it will appear on the template. The weather is underneath and scrolling text at the bottom. On the right side is a static picture welcoming new students and the ads are underneath alternating. The time and date are in the upper left hand corner.
Information Desk
This is the finished template for the information desk. The ads are the biggest section with the weather underneath. On the right side there is info on what tickets are on sale at the info desk along with the UW Football Tickets on sale. Then scrolling text is at the bottom of the template that has CNN Nation News, Yahoo News, and UW News.
Each ad that I designed I put on the template and they alternate every 15 seconds. They also have to be programmed and set to the right time.
UW Football Tickets
This is what the region looks like after I put in all the information. I switches every 15 seconds to a different game and shows the date, opponent, location, time, and ticket prices for students, faculty, and families.
UW Football Tickets
I also had to put the information for the football tickets in a region. This contented to an excel file that will automatically update so John at the information desk can just put in the information and will come up on the screen.
Campus Announcements
After the information was put into the region and lined up it came out like this on the template.
Campus Announcements
Each content then has to be placed in the region according to how I want it to look on the template.
Campus Announcements
Each content has properties that have to be set like how long it runs and how often it needs to be updated.
4 Day Forecast
This is how I placed the 4 other days of weather for the region. I had to first line up the top part that says Day with the box on the actual template and then aligned the rest of the information with it. I also used this to make the background for the current weather just using the image to match the rest of the week.
Current Temperature
This what it looks like when placing the information for the current weather in the region. I used this to put on top of the region while having just one day weather and using the weather picture like the other four days so that way it would match. It has the current temperature and the direction and wind speed.
At first the weather just showed what the temperature would be today and the next 3 or 5 days, however many days was wanted, it did not show the current temperature. I worked with Micheal Pule to find a feed that would show the current temperature and then was able to combine it with the the other weather feed.
This is what it looks like when I am in the Content Manager Program. This is the template I used for all four of the televisions in the Union. Each box is a region that I can put content in like ads, news feeds, and other information that is going on in the Union. The different content on the side is how I create what goes into the different regions for example, weather. I have to set up how it's going to look when it's inside the defined region.
Wyoming Union Summer Hours
I used the same typeface as the logo for consistency and the same color of the logo for the type. The picture is of the union and works for summer hours since it's sunny out.
Multicultural Student Leadership Initiative (MSLI) Redone
The background needed texture instead of the flat black background before.
Multicultural Student Leadership Initiative (MSLI)
Gallery 234 Redone
Not that much is changed except the place and hours of the gallery are larger to get attention and the text is cut down.
Gallery 234
First-Year Institute (FYI!) Redone
The background needed texture instead of just a radial gradient. It's more interesting and not as intense as the gradient.
First-Year Institute (FYI!)
Campus Activities Center (CAC) Redone
The bright blue background was to much so I used a light background with some texture for more interest. The little figures from the logo looked like clip art so I took those away and highlighted the titles with the colors from the logo which grabs attention.
Campus Activities Center(CAC)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Union Events Office

This ad has a string because the Events Office ties up all the loose ends when planning an event. The info tells about the events office and how to book rooms and tables in the union but it simple and short.

Summer Programs

For all the summer programs I made a background that is cheesed out and fun. I recieve the posters and put them onto the background. At first, the clouds were more white but I decided to make them more transparent so they are not competing with the posters. Some of the posters I recieve are flipped to verticle so sometimes it is challenging fitting them onto the background which has to be a certain size for them to go on the templetes for the T.V.s.

Snowy Range Creamery

I received all the design elements for SRC from Ben so I was able to put together this ad. I had chocolate chips scattered around but they where too distracting with the raze and panels at the top and bottom so I left them off. I was able to ad my own saying of "Summer just isn't summer without ice cream." I continued the outward raze with putting the type into an upside-down triangle which fits in great to the raze.


This ad is simple with pictures that show how much fun people are having. I took the type from the website of SLCE for consistency. Drop shadows ad more to the ad since it has a white background which I thought was the best choice for the background since the pictures are so busy already. The SLCE logo is included but small to not distract.

Room Directions

This ad is on the Events Office T.V. at the top of the stairs on the 3rd floor which will point people in the right direction. This way, people are not scrabling around looking for their room or even the restroom. Haha! It is simple but with room directions I think it needs to be simple and to the point.


I made this to welcome all the new incoming students that were at orientaion. At first, the title was smaller but Ben suggested to make it as big as possible which I feel looks better and grabs attention.

Center for Volunteer Service

This ad was a bit challenging trying to cut down the type so it was not too long to read but gave enough infomation on each volunteer opportunity. The logos are big so they are recognizable and remembered. I added a little clip of volunteers to keep it fun. Each section gives info but is short and sweet.

Friday Night Fever

Friday Night Fever has a new logo so that was fun to work with since it has bright colors. I used those colors throughout the rest of the ad to bring it all together and for consistency. The Join! is big to get the attention of people to join FNF. It not only descibes what FNF is but also how to get involved. The pictures help to show some of the activities and the team of FNF.


This ad is pretty simple. I used the bus poster that Ben gave me and went off of that. The sushi is something that he wanted to promote more so that was added. The summer hours are listed at the bottom and spans all the way to the sushi logo so it's big enough to see.

Cowboy Bucks Discount Card

After I got the poster which was an 81/2x11, I made this version. I had to cut out the COWBOY BUCKS, DISCOUNT CARD, ONLY $10, and the stars from the poster. Then I used the bottom part from the first ad and used a similar type for the University of Wyoming Student Media.

Cowboy Bucks Discount Card

I made this version of the ad becasue at first I did not have the original poster. I tried to make it look like the poster as much as possible with the limited resources I had. I think it is simple enough but has just enough excitement with the type.

June 26th Wedding

The Union has wedding receptions upstairs in the Ballroom so I made a sign congratualting them. Since it's a wedding I figured I could cheese it out (from the words of Adrianne). It's fun and the couple enjoyed seeing it on their wedding day.

Pita Pit Redone

Too much type so I shortened it to just healthy, fresh pitas! I was able to get Petey the little pita character and use him. I added a drop shadow to the actual pita which gives it depth and more demention instead of flat. I also added the summer hours in one line to match the subtitle which helps with consistency.

Pita Pit

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Discounted Movie Passes Redone
The title didn't work in the film strip so I tilted the film strips and moved the title to 2 lines to the right side. The background is a little lighter to be not so distracting as before and the information is lined up on the left for easy reading.

Discounted Movie Passes

Concerts and Convocations Redone
Again there was too much type so I cut it down for faster reading and chnaged the color to white so it was not so hard to read. I removed the haze I created and redid the title which took a long time to make it look like the letters on the logo. The meeting time is big and bold to get people to join and the picture is of The Fray who performed here at UW.
Concerts and Convocations

This is one of the posters I based my ad on for the Rolling Mill Cafe.

This way everything made for the Rolling Mill Cafe is consistent and clean.
Rolling Mill Cafe Redone
After talking to Ben I made the ad more like the posters he made for Rolling Mill Cafe with paninis. It's more clean and the big panini and coffee shot will get more attention from people because who doesn't like food? The subtitle is simple and right to the point, not too much type like the first I made.
Rolling Mill Cafe

Ad for Spoke's Pizza Company Redone
When I first made this ad I did not have pizza real pizza shots so I made my own pizza in Adobe Illustrator but as you can tell the real shots look a lot better and more appetizing. The bottom type was too small and getting lost especially after I added the background texture so I made it bolder by choosing a different typeface. I added the summer hours too becasue that is kind of important. Haha!
Ad for Spoke's Pizza Company